News - 09/30/2010
Obama has revealed the contents of his iPod - everything from Bob Dylan to modern rap stars.
The US President, 49, admitted: "I'm still more heavily weighted toward the music of my childhood than I am the new stuff.
"There's still a lot of Stevie Wonder, a lot of Bob Dylan, a lot of Rolling Stones, a lot of R&B, a lot of Miles Davis and John Coltrane. There's a lot of classical music."
But he said his personal aide Reggie Love had turned him on to rap.
Mr Obama said: "Jay-Z used to be sort of what predominated, but now I've got a little Nas and a little Lil Wayne."
The President's choice of music is also influenced by his two daughters Malia, 12, and Sasha, nine.
He told Rolling Stone magazine: "They are now getting old enough to start hipping me to things.
"My iPod now has about 2,000 songs and it is a source of great pleasure to me.
"Music is still a great source of joy and occasional solace in the midst of what can be some difficult days."
Mr Obama also told of his joy when legends Dylan and Sir Paul McCartney played at the White House.
He recalled: "Dylan played The Times They Are A-Changin'.
"Then he shakes my hand, gives a little grin and leaves."
He said Macca was "just a very gracious guy" who sang The Beatles' hit Michelle to his wife Michelle.
Source: The Sun
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